Hey guys its me Barry!
Here it is our BLOG...
Rules for blogging:
#1 Don't delete what other people have posted or added.
#2 Write your name after you post something so we know who added it.
#3 Try to write stuff when you are wasted.
#4 Don't give out our user name and password to anyone besides the following: Lizzy, Laura, Theresa, Jocelynn, Kayla, Alex, Chrissie, Kaitlyn, Colleen, Pigeon, Emily, Danielle, Matt T, Mike Zhe, Brent, Ruben, and Craig.
#5 You are allowed to add whatever you want to the blog and change the format or template.
#6 Remember that the purpose of this blog is too keep us all in touch and make sure that we don't become strangers after college.
hey baby babies,
just wanted to say hi and hope everyone's summer is going well. i have been enjoying mine by hanging out with children exclusively under the age of 5. i wish i could be there this weekend for the dave show, but there are some real babies who really need me. i hope you guys have fun and cry because i'm not there. everyone needs to write on this and if you don't, i will punish your life. so DO it. for those of you who got real jobs, how are they? and for chrissie, who will never get a real job, i hope the search is going well. that will be all. have fun this weekend and i hate your faces.
--lizzy scags
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