happy christmas. i am currently in rome, on christmas, in an internet cafe. it's really something special.
so far the trip has been really nice-- my friend maegan and i arrived late saturday night. we were completely fleeced by a taxi man, but made it safely to our hostel. unfortunately, the hostel was not exactly what we considered living conditions. we dragged our shit to a hotel sunday morning. then on our way to the train station we were attacked by a gang of gypsies. my friend's digital camera was stolen and gypsies are really scary. we tried to recover by going to buy a new camera for her, but by the time all that was done, basically every sight was closed because it was christmas eve.
we managed to see a bunch of shit today, and rome is definitely unbelievable. every turn you make there is another breathtaking building. still, i hate gypsies.
my mom won't call me because she is evil. instead of calling me on saturday afternoon like i asked her to, she called me last night. i ran out of credit because i am roaming so i only spoke to her for two minutes. then i came to this internet cafe and topped up my phone and wrote her an email saying she could call me now that i had credit. this was close to 24 hours ago. she hasn't called or responded to my email.
just wanted to let you guys know that christmas sucks, especially when your family hates you and gypsies want your belongings. the pope is ignoring my phone calls, despite the fact that it was he who requested that i be in rome for the sweet lord baby's birthday.
speaking of babies, i've recently come across something that i think everyone needs desperately to check out. one of my friends is obsessed with horoscopes, and while she was checking her horoscope the other day i noticed that on the left, there was a list of all different types of horoscopes for different kinds of people. i found the most appropriate horoscope of all: BABYSCOPE. that's right, there is a daily horoscope for BABIES. today, my babyscope is:
Why not start something new today? Resolve to begin each day by saying 'I love you' and giving hugs and kisses to all of your family members
as a favor, i will put up matt amd chrissie's babyscope for the day since they have the next birthdays:
Focus on play today. Peek-a-boo is a great game you can play when you and Daddy are stuck in line at the store or when you and Mommy are waiting at the doctor's office
basically, i could sit here and list everyone's babyscopes for them, but it's much more hysterical if you go to the site and check your own babyscope, everyday. i don't know how many babies log on, but i imagine there are quite a few who base their days on this website.
just go to it, you will die laughing as you go through the different babyscopes.
anyway that's pretty much all that's going on here in rome. i hope you guys are having wonderful holidays and managing to struggle through them without me.
--lizzy scags
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