Git R done

Friday, June 23, 2006

Dearest friends,
holler. just wanted to get a few things out there:
slexi- i am not coming to your july 8th party because kayla said it's going to rain and being that i'm an evil witch, i will melt under those circumstances.
db- take the fucking job. full benefits= fantastic, and even though the pay is garbage, it's a great way to get your foot in the door considering it's the field you want to go into. the fact that you don't have another job and also don't have any upcoming interviews might be something you want to keep in mind when making this decision. just take it, keep a look out for something better, and quit if you have to. or try to negotiate your pay-- tell them you really want the job, but you need more money and blahblahbalh. whatever, just take it.
chrissie- stop doing drugs and maybe you'll get a job.
mike- stop being paranoid. "steve" doesn't want to get with you. it sounds to me as though "steve" is constantly trying to connect with others-- probably why he can't shutup. he will just keep talking until someone is his friend ok? his facial expression directed toward you may have been his way of trying to connect on a more personal intimate level with someone-- not necessarily in a wanting to date you way. he is probably really lonely and you should be nice to him, because even if he is gay, you're still allowed to be his friend. remember that the workplace is somewhere we should all be practicing tolerance. and for the record, that was your second post about homosexual men crossing your path... but like, who's counting?

now, about me. i have no life-- if you look, you'll see this was posted on a friday night at 8 pm. i am desperately trying to save money for ireland and i am exhausted from running around with small children at all times. so i've been trying not to go out at all on weekends. i drink heavily on thursdays at happy hour, so if you get a phone call from me on thursday nights, you should probably do yourself a favor and never answer. AND i got my housing assignment for ireland: i am living in a 6 person apartment where we share the kitchen and living room, and i have my own room with a double bed and my own bathroom. fucking sick. why doesn't suny have dorms like that? i am way psyched to leave the country and all of you.
i really miss you guys (just kidding) and will see you on the 7th at mcsorley's happy hour, followed by alex's party on the 8th.
xoxoxo lizzy scags


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