Git R done

Sunday, July 30, 2006

hope everyone is miserable in this heat
anyway everyone needs to check this out, because it's officially the best thing ever:

then go to
and listen to "let me borrow that top" because it's amazing

this guy is my idol
--lizzy scags

Saturday, July 29, 2006

BSB(China)New Pepsi Song

the one on the left is mine

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i invited a homeless dude to come live with us for a while
love emily

Sunday, July 23, 2006

you people are all insane. seriously, lizzy how long did it take you to type all that out? my eyes started to hurt halfway into it trying to read all the masses of small print and i couldnt even finish it. im sure it wasnt very interesting anyway. matt...please dont feel bad about your poor showing in the bio trivia....i can top it. I entered a spelling bee at a bar this past saturday and was eliminated after the first word. It was "lettuce". Apparently i believed it to contain both a c and and s. this was very embarassing.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

wat up bitches!! well i thought i would write a quick post before i head to the beach. its nice 85-90 and sunny here everyday.
Lizzy funny story, but you have way too much time on your hands, that was the longest blog ever, i felt like i was reading a novel.
Jocelynn- it has always been my dream to ride in a kangaroo pouch, i want you to make that happen. australia sounds like a lot of fun, i didnt kno mexicans study abroad as well, wow u learn somethin new everyday.
i must say i am very surpised kaitlyn doesnt write on this thing everyday, i thought for sure she would think we care about her life. anyways when i come back to albany we are smokin the biggest blunt in our new apartments. the one thing that has fuckin sucked about cali is, everytime i was supposed to get weed from people i work with, somethin always comes up, and i fuckin still havent smoked since april. i mean fuck...
i got like 3 more weeks in cali before i get back to ny. ill probably come back up to albany on either the 15/16. me and my bro are goin to see 311, whalers, and pepper on the 18. it should be a sick concert. anyways im havin a great time out here, but i cant wait to fuckin get shitfaced wit everyone in albany.


p.s.- i have now expanded my cultural borders and have hooked up wit an asian chick.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hey guyss!! i got some free time down under so i thought i would write you fuckers.
-In reguards to lizzys last post...that was the funniest thing i have ever read. ever. That has to be the weirdest dream ever but funny none the least. Im glad you shared that with everyone. Im sure your job won't be so bad so stop being a baby.
-Zhe..stop making fun of matt. it is just not nice. its not his fault he likes to wear walmart clothes-some people just cant help it
-Teresa how is your internet boyfriend? getting serious yet? i wanna know all about it.?
-So how are all of your real jobs?? suckss that your adults now hahah
I've only been gone a week but it feels like ive been gone for so long. I've made some friends with some nice germans, sweeds and mexicans and we just met some aussies from our building who we went out with last night. there crazy. but we can def out drink them cuz we party. My third roommate, amy is a NERD. she studies nuclear med. yea nerd and shes only gonna be here from tues-friday so its like not even having a third roommate which sucks. My other roommate from new york is awesome. her and matt are soulmates. I think she like animals just as much as matt does! haha so listen to this school here is a joke. they have differnt credits as we do so a full time student is from 45-60 credits which would be like our 12-18. So im taking 55 credits which is 3 classes and i only have class tues-thurs maybe 3 hours a week. sickkkkkkk and you have a 3 week final period and i only have one final so i plan to travel alot. albanys gonna suck when i get back haha but yea put pics up on facebook. i saw kangrooos!! ahh there so cute! but ok i miss you fuckers like whoaa!! ill talk to you guys soon! and see you never! love me! i

Thursday, July 20, 2006

ok so this past weekend my cousin got married in colorado. it was awesome, i saw the rocky mountains and shit, i'll post some pictures that will hopefully make you guys as jealous as i was of graduation pictures.
anyway, i went out earlier than my parents and sibs to visit a friend in denver. i got out there late thurs night and stayed in denver thurs and fri night, then went with my parents and siblings to boulder on sat when they got there. i think most of us know about my severe sleepwalking issues, which arise most often when i am sleeping in a new place. i was really worried i would sleepwalk in the hotel by myself because i've done that before, but luckily i didn't. i also have weird dreams when i sleep somewhere new, and i had a really weird one about basically all of us on my second night in denver. i wrote it down as soon as i woke up and this is how it went:

we all lived together in a house. all of us includes 256, syracuse, kayla and lexi, 514, and empire girls. plus a bunch of randoms are in and out-- setauket stephanie and sir ashley are the only ones i really remember. everyone was gone from the house except for mike zhe and myself. so mike goescrazy and starts trying to kill me. he keeps crushing broken glass into my skin and eventually shoots me with a tranquilizer gun. since i am a beast, i'm able to run away from him with the tranquilizer thing still in me, looking like a giant arrow sticking into my arm. so he continues chasing me around, just trying to kill me. soon enough, everyone comes home to do nothing other than prove their worthlessness. no one can stop mike and he's chasing everyone around with the broken glass and tranquilizer gun. we all kind of stand in this one room that is just like white walls and i guess one of the rooms of ourhouse. so we all just stand in this room and it's like he chooses one of us to chase around at a time, trying to kill us. he gets some broken glass into chrissie's back and she totally flips. it is just one piece but she is being a giant baby about it and asking me to take it out but insisting i use tweezers to do so. mike is holding us hostage so finding tweezers isn't on my current list of optionsand eventually i just pull it out of her back and it's over. in the meantime, emily is just like oblivious to the entire situation and just like walking around bothering people. for whatever reason, i have the computer of a family i used to babysit for. emily keeps asking if she can use it so i finally just tell her yeah to get her away. she is not comprehending that mike is trying to kill us all and we just need her out of our faces. everyone was just being totally useless. Sir Ashley is there crying about mike having gone crazy and not helping the situation one bit. finally everything dies down. we all decide to go out to eat together after just sitting around for a while. i realize that between the tranquilizer and running around saving your dumb asses, i have pissed my pants. for whatever reason, i'm too embarassed to tell you guys. luckily i am wearing blue leggings with mesh blue shorts over them and you guys can't see. i tell you i'll catch up and go to change. i change and go back to that room, and meet up with emily who is running an email telemarketing business. it turns out she needed that computer so that she could take all the email addresses off the computer that i let her use that belongs to people i used to babysit. i'm pretty pissed but she's already sent out the emails so i just get over it. i walk into what is our living room area, but is the size of a gymnasium. there is a carnival going on. setauket stephanie's sister who came to visit that one time is there (random?), some kids i babysit for are there, but mostly it is like random kids and people i don't know. then my annoying friend mike from home comes out of nowhere to bother me and follow me around. so i walk through the house to find the people who waited for me so we could go out to eat with everyone. we have a 256ish kitchen where db's friends marshall and dan are sitting with a whole bunch of people we don't know. i walk into the room where emily is using the computer and once again realize what she is doing and get pissed. but then we just ditch my annoying friend mike from home and meet up with kayla, setauket stephanie, and jocelynn. we proceed to go to "our diner"-- yes, in my dream, we had this diner where while we all lived together, we all always went to eat. it is located in stuyvesant plaza. so we're standing in this diner and we can't find everyone else. we're calling everyone's phones, but no one is picking up and we're like "wtf, if they were going to go somewhere besides the usual, why wouldn't they tell us?" then my sister calls from WT's (even though it's morning/early afternoon) totally wasted. she wants to come meet me. we have to figure out how much everyone will have to put in for tip before she and her friends can agree to come. we figure out that it's $1and she tells her friends and they agree to come, but then she tells me she needs to borrow $8. i tell her to wait because we havent even found everyone yet so we dont know if we're staying at "the" diner. meanwhile, this annoying male waiter with a greek accent keeps trying to make us order, but we're not even sitting down yet. we're just like standing around looking for you guys-- our diner is so big that we just have to stand there and keep looking. we try to figure out somewhere else to go and then i woke up.

i'm really surprised that i didnt like piss the bed or something because i had that part where i had pissed my pants. anyway the dream was fucking weird.

today was my last day at nursery school and tomorrow i start assistant teaching at high school summer school. it is generally a tough transition going from 7 weeks of 2 year olds to angry, ghetto high school students. i'm thoroughly pissed because i got my class assignment today and it is three periods long and i have three 9th grade classes. 9th graders are almost as bad as junior high students. i really prefer doing 11th grade classes because they have to take the regents and at least you can find a few who want to pass and will try, and 12th graders because i can focus on writing skills with them. you have to be the worst student ever to have your teacher fail you your senior year and make you go to summer school. 9th graders are pissed off their summers are being spent at summer school and immature and obnoxious. they've only had one (or 2 or sometimes 3) years of high school and haven't come far enough to care so they're generally lazy. AND i have a female teacher, which is similar to a stab to the heart. i am really pissed that i got this assignment but i am happy i wasn't put with the same teacher i was with last year who was a creepy mid-20's long haired giant loser with a made up girlfriend he talked about constantly and who used to try to rub my back while i graded the papers he hadn't graded all summer. see i do the second half of summer school, so these kids have already been in summer school for 3 weeks. so yeah, he had done NO grading that entire time. fuckin idiot. i'm pissed but maybe i'll be wrong about evil 9th graders and a fucking bitchy woman teacher. anyway, this is officially the longest blog EVER. i really hate you guys and i hope everyone is having a miserable summer.
--lizzy scags

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

“i dotn liek going to bars and feeling stupid ....fuck trivia cuase i can get a 7 out of ten in class and feel stupid i dont need to get a seven outta ten at the bar and feel even dumber fcuk that ...........this is gona be bad tomo wieh i hagve to hand in my final lab and i have no idea wats going to happen...wish me luck and jusochslin is is anustuatlia and chilin with jwealous say hello to the croc hunter yo..soemda ill ebthere too and be chilin with cros and shit ...umb bed and also i wear walmart clthses and hats and i think tis fine csause i dotn care and walmatr cloths arei awesome and im never graudating and zoey is the coolest”

I start off my story with Matty’s away message that he put up after we got back from Bombers last night. He was drinking LI ice teas all night, prolly had 5 or 6. He was wasted, but he could walk and talk fine, I don’t know why the bitch couldn’t type clearly. I am going to dissect this away message and let all of you know the true meaning behind it.

MATT: “i dotn liek going to bars and feeling stupid ....fuck trivia cuase i can get a 7 out of ten in class and feel stupid i dont need to get a seven outta ten at the bar and feel even dumber fcuk that…”

INTERPRETATION: I went to Bombers tonight night with Z and Jeff for Trivia night. I was pretty excited. I had never gone before and was ready to kick some fucking ass. One of the five categories was the Human Body. I went to school for this shit. I’m a fuckin Bio major. I spent hours upon hours studying this crap; I’m going to tear up this category. I was wrong. I got 70% of the answers right. That’s a fuckin C. I don’t like going to the bar and realizing that I’m an idiot here as well. I go to school for that. Fuck Trivia night. I’m never coming back to this shit. Fuck these hippies.

MATT: “this is gona be bad tomo wieh i hagve to hand in my final lab and i have no idea wats going to happen...wish me luck…”

INTERPRETATION: I just dropped my class because I was going to get a D. I’m going to take it over in the fall so whatever, I’ll get a C or better because Ill have done all the labs. Tomorrow is my last lab. Fuck though, I’m drunk and who knows what all this shit I wrote on this paper means. My professor prolly won’t even except it. Wish me luck.

MATT: “…and jusochslin is is anustuatlia and chilin with jwealous say hello to the croc hunter yo..soemda ill ebthere too and be chilin with cros and shit…”

INTERPRETATION: Jocelyn is in Aussie Country. Im fuckin jealous. I prolly just IM’ed her. I don’t fuckin know though because Im retarded. I told her I want to come visit. Let that will fuckin happen anytime soon. Im broke as ass. I would love to play with croc’s though, being that I am Dr. Dolittle and all.

MATT: “…umb bed and also i wear walmart clthses and hats and i think tis fine csause i dotn care and walmatr cloths arei awesome…”

INTERPRETATION: Damn I gotta go to bed. Oh I bought a shit load of clothes at Wal-Mart today for work. Spent like $200 on them shits. To bad I wore a hat from there out to the bar tonight. Z was rippin on me at the bar when he realized I actually wore the shit out I told him was for work, when he made fun of me earlier. It went like this at the bar.

Z-Matt where’d you get that hat? At Wal-Mart you fuckin loser.
Matt- Haha fuck you asshole.
Z (To hot girl walking by)-Hey what do you think of this hat? Its from Wal-Mart.
Hot Girl (With her eyes rolling in her head)-Oh ya its nice. (And she hurriedly walks away)
Matt-What you don’t like my hat? Go fuck yourself you stuck up bitch. Think I care.
Z- (Laughing)

MATT: “…im never graudating and zoey is the coolest”

INTERPRETATION: As I stated before I dropped my fuckin class and I’ll prolly drop it again next semester. Im about to sleep with Zoey, I fuckin love her.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

hello guys long time no blog!
first of all teresa u r an idiot
joce im glad ur having fun in australia, please mail me a kangaroo as soon as possilbe
brent its good to hear that u are alive

yea so i feel very out of touch with the world as i am now a workign girl. so far i have had two full weeks of work but it feels like i've been there a year already. its a good job but this full time thing is really gonan take some getting used to.

other than that there has been absoulutley nothing eventful or worth talkign about in my life. i live at alex and kaylas and i have had several encounters with kim while she was bare ass naked. im actually almost becoming used to it. she also sleeps naked with the door wide open, sometimes without sheets so her bare ass is hanging out. and is quite possibly one of the strangest girls i h ave ever met.

i have no internet at my place and i have only access to the paychex internet at work and that makes me angry. i miss aim and this blog.

and of course i miss u all the most call me if u are ever bored between noon and 1pm cuz that is hwen i have my lunch break.
bbyebe love chrissie

Friday, July 14, 2006

G'day mates from down under!!! aussie is awesomeeeeeee i just got here yesterday on thursday its now 1130 on friday night and no i am not out cuz i have been out all day. the time difference is weird and going to take me a while to figure out. so far everything has been good plans for exciting things to come up and hopefully meeting alot more interesting people. i have the internet now no phone but i will talk to you all thorugh internet so yea i love you all and miss you already haha Love joce hope the rest of your summer is amazingggg

Monday, July 10, 2006

ok so no pictures from slexi's this weekend
but just pictures in general from the past year

hate you
lizzy scags

Sunday, July 09, 2006

in case anyone was wondering...
i didnt make it back to Alex's house last night due to unforseen circumstance. when i arrived at my car to get my bathing suite, i realized somthing was not quite right. so i proceeded to throw up next to and around my car. unless i crawled back on all fours, there was no way i was making it back to the house. at this point it seemed that the logical thing to do was to sleep in the car. i woke up to the sun brightly beating down and realized i had left my bag and shoes out in the street. to my surprise there was puke in the car as well. regardless, i gathered my belongings and decided that going home was my best option. so i left around 9am and got home ok.....
i had tons of fun last night and i wish we could've hung out longer!...i miss and love you all!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

i dont party... me passed out on my bday.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hey assholes.....I suspose I should write to you cunts since everyone will bitch if I don't! Hmmm where to begin...I got box last night and head for about 25 minutes , but never busted....go figure! Her name is Amanda or Mandy and we've been hanging out quite a bit...she's 26 and love to drink so don't think she's another HS whore. Other then that....I've been playing cards nonstop since I've been home and winning a ton....I think I am going out to Vegas to play in a $2000 buy-in tourney on July 14....I am very scared, but my parents offered to buy my rounded trip ticket and my friend is paying half my entry first place would be well over a million bc they have been getting 2000 players so far! If i won it...i would prolly fly some of you assholes out and just live in a whorehouse for weeks with nonstop box...ok thats my story...hopefully I go out but if not certain yet...other then that i hate everyone so please don't talk to ya Box

Saturday, July 01, 2006


teresa has an internet boyfriend

he's really hot, and they message each other back and forth

but they are in a fight right now because he went to europe and hasn't messaged her :( he said he would, but he didn't. i guess guys will be guys!

they are going to have an internet wedding-- we will all be invited. we will all go into a chatroom where they will type their vows to each other in front of us. keep posted for the date and time. it may even be in the middle of the day during the week, since most people have internet access at their jobs.

that is all-- and for those of you who think their relationship is funny, AT LEAST SHE HAS SOMEONE. AT LEAST SHE'S NOT ALONE (in the virtual sense, this statement does not apply physically) LIKE YOU.

*this message has been approved by teresa.

yea yo.. no nore dank ass nasty farts! is everyone going to emos party next weekend? swalla back